company name : | Nishinihon Bugu Katchu Kenkyusho(inc) (West Japan Armor Research center) |
address : | 2-7-11 Morisaki biru Nodaya-cho Kita-ku Okayama Japan 700-0815 |
tel : | 81-86-223-0805 |
fax: | 81-86-223-0806 |
primary business: | production and restoration of Japanese armor |
business-related customers: |
art museums and museums all over the world |
1902 | The company founder, Tometaro began restoring and repairing japanese armor |
1979 | The second generation, Masahiro, was awarded the title of authorized armorer by Nihon Katchu Bugu Kenkyu Hozonkai (The Research and Preservation of Japanese Helmets and Armor) |
1980 | Nishinihon Bugu Katchu Kenkyusho was established |
1994 | Masahiro became chairman of the Research and Preservation of Japanese Helmets and Armor society |
1995 | Masahiro was designated a living national treasure |
the present | The third generation, Tateki is currently responsible for restoring armor in museums nationwide. |